Thursday 12 December 2013

This Blog is Now Closed

Our blog is now closed for the 2013 school year, and there will be no new posts. You will still be able to access our blog though the Halcombe School website. Thank you for your support throughout the year, we have loved sharing our learning with you.

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas

It has been another wonderful year.  I have loved getting to know your children this year and their families.  Thank you for all your support over the years.  Have a safe and enjoyable holiday with your families.  Merry Christmas and have a fantastic new year.  

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Monday 9 December 2013


 Yay!  Christmas is nearly here. 
 We have made Rudolf the Reindeer Art using footprints, hand prints, and thumb prints.
Today we wrote about what would happen if Santa got stuck in a chimney.  Here are some of our stories:
Oh no!  Santa got stuck in the chimney.  What will we do?  No Santa, no presents!  I got some soap and I told Santa, "Put the soap all over you."  Then he slipped down the chimney.  I am a hero!  By Jaxson.
Oh no!  Santa is stuck in my chimney.  How will I get him out?  This is a big problem and the fire is going!  We got him out just in time.  We put some soap on him and the reindeer pulled him out.  He jumped in his sleigh.  As he went I heard him say, "Ho, ho, ho!  Thank you."  By Lincoln.
Santa is stuck up my chimney.  I pulled his head, but that did not work, so I got the reindeer to jump on his feet.  He popped right through.  After he was free he flew back to the North Pole.  By Milla.
Oh no!  Santa is stuck in the chimney.  How can I get him out of the chimney?  Maybe I can go up the chimney and pull him out of there.  After he will give me a ride on his sleigh.  He is the best in the world.  By Annabel.
Oh no!  Santa is stuck in the chimney.  What will I do?  I know.  I will get a bucket full of water and dunk it on him and tickle him.  Yay!  I got Santa out.  He let me help him deliver all of the presents.  Oh no!  The presents are falling out.  We have to turn around and get the presents.  We've got the presents now.  Let's go and deliver the presents.  By Caleb H. 

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas

It's Christmas Time in Room 1! 
We had lots of fun decorating our tree together.  The lights twinkle beautifully all day.  A bauble sings us a Christmas song when we clap our hands.  It is covered in lots of toys and presents.  It is beautiful!  Come in and have a look.  We are so proud of our tree.

Bush Walk Opening

Wahoo!  Our new bush walk was officially opened.  The gardens are beautiful.  Well done Green team! 

Bon Voyage Ruby

Ruby is going on an amazing adventure to Canada.  We are going to miss you very much Ruby.  Thank you for the lollipops.  Everyone is looking forward to seeing you again next year.  

Floating and Sinking

We have been learning to be scientists. When scientists experiment, they estimate what is going to happen.  We had to make a good guess about what would float or sink. 

Our Class Trip

We went to the Bartlett's Dairy Farm and also to Mt Lees Reserve. It was such a very fun and exciting day. The weather was amazing and all the children had a great time.  We were all very exhausted by the time we got back to school.  Some of us nearly fell asleep on the bus.  Oh no! 
Thank you to the Bartletts and the staff at the farm. All of the activities were really interesting.
Thank you to the parent helpers for your help today! We couldnt have done the trip with out you!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Throughout the year, many students from our school have been collecting yummy stickers. Mrs Otter gathered them all up and sent them off to get counted. In return we get FREE sports gear! This year we asked for touch balls and cones. Thank you to the students who collected stickers and to Mrs Otter for organising the whole thing!

Here is a photo of our top six collectors:

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Meet Pebbles the Class Cow

We have a new member in our class.  Chavelle named the cow 'Pebbles'.  Pebbles loves to listen to us read our story books.  She also loved hearing our writing about yesterdays cross country practice.  Welcome to Room 1 Pebbles!

Monday 21 October 2013

Pet Day

Wow!  We had a lot of fun at Pet Day today.  Room 1 brought lots of amazing lambs, dogs, goats, cats, and chickens to school.  It was lovely to see everyone taking such good care of their pets.  The children who did not have pets had fun making living cards.  We arranged flowers into cups and made cards to frame the flowers.  Today was a very special and fun day.

Monday 14 October 2013

Math Boxes

We made 10 in as many different ways as we can.  First, we put 10 counters in a row.  Secondly, we placed a whiteboard between the counters to make 2 groups.  Then we wrote what the number equation looks like  . . .  2+8=10  5+5=10  7+3=10  3+7=10  10+0=10
We can quickly order numbers. 
 We can group objects together.  Can you tell how Rylie has grouped his vehicles?
 We can use 2D shapes to match pictures.  We are challenged to use different shapes to create the picture in lots of different ways. 
Try to challenge yourself tomorrow by making the same shapes bigger.
Once we have finished our boxes, we can play math games.  Our most favourite game is using cards.  We love to play memory, fish, and snap.  These games help us to remember our numbers quickly and confidently.

We LOVED being back at school today!

Letter of the Week - Cc

Look at all the C words we know. 
We are all very clever!

Monday 23 September 2013

Yellow Gloop Writing

My hands looked like frogs hands and it was like playdough.  I had very yellow hands.  It was mucky.
By Caleb K.
I played in the gloop.  It felt like noodles.  It felt like fun because it felt like slime. 
By Chavelle.

Reading Taskboard

Room 1 are amazing readers.  Every day we get excited about our taskboard.  Here are some of the fun activities we do.

Designing Back Drops

Room 1 is very busy designing the back drops for our show. 
It was lots of fun designing our trees with strange wild decorations. 
Only 2 sleeps until the big day.

Friday 20 September 2013

Magnet Game

Look at the picture for 1 minute. 
Cover it up and see how many you can remember?

Cross Country Training

Every day we are training for cross country next term.  We run around the field for 10 minutes and try to challenge ourselves to run further each day.  We are very excited because each day this week we have perservered and each child is running further.  Go Room 1!

New Games and Cushions

Thank you to all the families who worked hard selling chocolates earlier in the year.  The money you raised has gone towards new cushions for our class library, 2 x ball launchers, 2 x stilts and a balance maze board.  Room 1 are going to have lots of fun burning off all their extra energy with these fun new activities.


Today there were a lot of boxes in our class.  Lincoln asked if we could make things with them.  We used our imagination and here is what we created.
Can you tell which ones are:  caterpillars, mermaids swimming around a boat, bulldozer, jack in the box, New Zealand army helicopter, aeroplanes, robots and toilets?

Thursday 5 September 2013

Let Us Entertain You Notice

On 25th September Halcombe School is putting on a show to entertain you.  Room 1 are going to be Wild Things and we need some costumes.  If you have any animal dress ups or slippers that look like animals, can you please bring them to school for us to borrow. We would appreciate it very much. Thank you.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Wind Turbine Art

We looked at the wind turbines and then we created turbines with magnetics.  We used water colour paints to paint a beautiful sunset.   Then we cut out black paper to create the turbines.  They look amazing!

Wonderful Writer

Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time there were 3 mermaid fairies.  Their names were Twilight.  They lived in a fancy meadow.  The problem was the fairy grew a mermaids tail.  The problem was the spell could never be broken, but one day the tails fell off and their legs grew back. 
By Milla.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Winter Warmers

Over the past 2 months, Room 1 have been a part of the Feilding Library programme called Winter Warmers.  Each child was given a booklet where they needed to complete 10 book activities.  The children enjoyed completing these booklets by redesigning new book covers, describing main characters, and writing book reviews.  Once everyone in the class had completed 5 activities, Jenny Hogan came and gave them their first incentive:  a tattoo, mug, and spoon.  The children were very excited and were eager to complete the rest of their booklet.  Once all 10 activities were completed, Jenny returned with a wonderful book for every child who participated.  Thank you very much Feilding Library for the amazing prizes each child received.

Daffodil Day

We supported Daffodil Day by dressing up in yellow.  Everyone brought some money to donate to the Cancer Society.  Together everyone raised $300.  Well done, this is a fantastic effort.
The school had fun dancing in the parade to show off our fabulous yellow clothes. Congratulations Annabel and Matthew for being the best dressed in Room 1.

Tuesday 27 August 2013


Art Day

Art, art, art!  We did art ALL morning!  This was our favourite day this year.  In Room 7 we made Kadinsky Circle Trees.  In Room 1 we learnt to draw dragonflies.  In Room 2 we used masking tape and water colours to create tree silhouettes.  In Room 3 we used cardboard, tinfoil and indian ink to create 3D art.  Come and have a look in our class at our beautiful masterpieces.  Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers, you made the day a huge success.