Tuesday 3 September 2013

Wind Turbine Art

We looked at the wind turbines and then we created turbines with magnetics.  We used water colour paints to paint a beautiful sunset.   Then we cut out black paper to create the turbines.  They look amazing!


  1. this looks very fun and bright I hope you do some more amazing art like this WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Your paintings look amazing. I love the way you have made the sky look like the sunset and how carefully you have cut out the blades of the turbines. Well done Room 1.

  3. I LOVE your wind turbine art R1! We thought it looked so cool that we borrowed your idea and did some water colour art of our own this week. We had a bit of trouble knowing how much water to use and how to blend the colours well. Thanks for the idea!
