Sunday 1 September 2013

Winter Warmers

Over the past 2 months, Room 1 have been a part of the Feilding Library programme called Winter Warmers.  Each child was given a booklet where they needed to complete 10 book activities.  The children enjoyed completing these booklets by redesigning new book covers, describing main characters, and writing book reviews.  Once everyone in the class had completed 5 activities, Jenny Hogan came and gave them their first incentive:  a tattoo, mug, and spoon.  The children were very excited and were eager to complete the rest of their booklet.  Once all 10 activities were completed, Jenny returned with a wonderful book for every child who participated.  Thank you very much Feilding Library for the amazing prizes each child received.

1 comment:

  1. You guys look very happy I hope you enjoy reading them
