Monday 14 October 2013

Math Boxes

We made 10 in as many different ways as we can.  First, we put 10 counters in a row.  Secondly, we placed a whiteboard between the counters to make 2 groups.  Then we wrote what the number equation looks like  . . .  2+8=10  5+5=10  7+3=10  3+7=10  10+0=10
We can quickly order numbers. 
 We can group objects together.  Can you tell how Rylie has grouped his vehicles?
 We can use 2D shapes to match pictures.  We are challenged to use different shapes to create the picture in lots of different ways. 
Try to challenge yourself tomorrow by making the same shapes bigger.
Once we have finished our boxes, we can play math games.  Our most favourite game is using cards.  We love to play memory, fish, and snap.  These games help us to remember our numbers quickly and confidently.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having lots of fun while learning maths Room 1. I hope you have had a great start to Term 4.
