Monday 23 September 2013

Yellow Gloop Writing

My hands looked like frogs hands and it was like playdough.  I had very yellow hands.  It was mucky.
By Caleb K.
I played in the gloop.  It felt like noodles.  It felt like fun because it felt like slime. 
By Chavelle.

Reading Taskboard

Room 1 are amazing readers.  Every day we get excited about our taskboard.  Here are some of the fun activities we do.

Designing Back Drops

Room 1 is very busy designing the back drops for our show. 
It was lots of fun designing our trees with strange wild decorations. 
Only 2 sleeps until the big day.

Friday 20 September 2013

Magnet Game

Look at the picture for 1 minute. 
Cover it up and see how many you can remember?

Cross Country Training

Every day we are training for cross country next term.  We run around the field for 10 minutes and try to challenge ourselves to run further each day.  We are very excited because each day this week we have perservered and each child is running further.  Go Room 1!

New Games and Cushions

Thank you to all the families who worked hard selling chocolates earlier in the year.  The money you raised has gone towards new cushions for our class library, 2 x ball launchers, 2 x stilts and a balance maze board.  Room 1 are going to have lots of fun burning off all their extra energy with these fun new activities.


Today there were a lot of boxes in our class.  Lincoln asked if we could make things with them.  We used our imagination and here is what we created.
Can you tell which ones are:  caterpillars, mermaids swimming around a boat, bulldozer, jack in the box, New Zealand army helicopter, aeroplanes, robots and toilets?

Thursday 5 September 2013

Let Us Entertain You Notice

On 25th September Halcombe School is putting on a show to entertain you.  Room 1 are going to be Wild Things and we need some costumes.  If you have any animal dress ups or slippers that look like animals, can you please bring them to school for us to borrow. We would appreciate it very much. Thank you.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Wind Turbine Art

We looked at the wind turbines and then we created turbines with magnetics.  We used water colour paints to paint a beautiful sunset.   Then we cut out black paper to create the turbines.  They look amazing!

Wonderful Writer

Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time there were 3 mermaid fairies.  Their names were Twilight.  They lived in a fancy meadow.  The problem was the fairy grew a mermaids tail.  The problem was the spell could never be broken, but one day the tails fell off and their legs grew back. 
By Milla.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Winter Warmers

Over the past 2 months, Room 1 have been a part of the Feilding Library programme called Winter Warmers.  Each child was given a booklet where they needed to complete 10 book activities.  The children enjoyed completing these booklets by redesigning new book covers, describing main characters, and writing book reviews.  Once everyone in the class had completed 5 activities, Jenny Hogan came and gave them their first incentive:  a tattoo, mug, and spoon.  The children were very excited and were eager to complete the rest of their booklet.  Once all 10 activities were completed, Jenny returned with a wonderful book for every child who participated.  Thank you very much Feilding Library for the amazing prizes each child received.

Daffodil Day

We supported Daffodil Day by dressing up in yellow.  Everyone brought some money to donate to the Cancer Society.  Together everyone raised $300.  Well done, this is a fantastic effort.
The school had fun dancing in the parade to show off our fabulous yellow clothes. Congratulations Annabel and Matthew for being the best dressed in Room 1.