Tuesday 22 October 2013

Meet Pebbles the Class Cow

We have a new member in our class.  Chavelle named the cow 'Pebbles'.  Pebbles loves to listen to us read our story books.  She also loved hearing our writing about yesterdays cross country practice.  Welcome to Room 1 Pebbles!

Monday 21 October 2013

Pet Day

Wow!  We had a lot of fun at Pet Day today.  Room 1 brought lots of amazing lambs, dogs, goats, cats, and chickens to school.  It was lovely to see everyone taking such good care of their pets.  The children who did not have pets had fun making living cards.  We arranged flowers into cups and made cards to frame the flowers.  Today was a very special and fun day.

Monday 14 October 2013

Math Boxes

We made 10 in as many different ways as we can.  First, we put 10 counters in a row.  Secondly, we placed a whiteboard between the counters to make 2 groups.  Then we wrote what the number equation looks like  . . .  2+8=10  5+5=10  7+3=10  3+7=10  10+0=10
We can quickly order numbers. 
 We can group objects together.  Can you tell how Rylie has grouped his vehicles?
 We can use 2D shapes to match pictures.  We are challenged to use different shapes to create the picture in lots of different ways. 
Try to challenge yourself tomorrow by making the same shapes bigger.
Once we have finished our boxes, we can play math games.  Our most favourite game is using cards.  We love to play memory, fish, and snap.  These games help us to remember our numbers quickly and confidently.

We LOVED being back at school today!

Letter of the Week - Cc

Look at all the C words we know. 
We are all very clever!