Tuesday 27 August 2013


Art Day

Art, art, art!  We did art ALL morning!  This was our favourite day this year.  In Room 7 we made Kadinsky Circle Trees.  In Room 1 we learnt to draw dragonflies.  In Room 2 we used masking tape and water colours to create tree silhouettes.  In Room 3 we used cardboard, tinfoil and indian ink to create 3D art.  Come and have a look in our class at our beautiful masterpieces.  Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers, you made the day a huge success.

Conservation Week

Room 1 and 4 went on a walk through the village collecting rubbish.   We couldn't believe how much rubbish was on the side of the road.  Everyone, listen up. 
Put your rubbish in the bin!
When we put our rubbish in the bin, the village looks more beautiful, we are not polluting our water ways, and the animals will not eat it and die.
 We know it is important to water our plants every day.

Room 1 Garden

Sophie, Molly and Jaxson had fun putting new plants in our class garden.  They planted cauliflower, brocolli and lots of new flowers.  Our garden is going to look beautiful when it starts growing.  We need to make sure we water it all the time so the plants live.  Thank you very much for all your help Molly.  

Maths Trail

During Maths Week we went on a hunt for shapes and numbers around our school.  We were given a piece of paper with photos on it.  At first we thought it was easy, but there were a few hard photos to find.  Even Mrs Simpson didn't recognise one of the photos.

Buddy Class Fun

Wow!  What fun we had listening to music and finger painting to the beat.  When the music was fast we painted quickly.  When the music was slow, we painted slowly.  When the music made interesting sounds, our fingers jumped and bumped and wriggled around.  It was a crazy mess, but lots of fun!

Monday 19 August 2013

Show: The Big Pond

There were 4 tadpoles swimming in the pond.  Some of them got eaten by a turtle, an eel, and a big fish.  But 1 tadpole lived and turned into a frog.  Ribbet!  There were lots of animals and flowers at the pond.  But then ... a cod carp was put into the pond.  People also through lots of rubbish in the pond.  Cows pooed in the pond.  Yuck!  All the pond animals were very FURIOUS at the people and they left the pond.  Oh no!  We helped pick up the rubbish.  We caught the mean fish, a clock and a boot that smelled like stinky socks.  We pulled the plug out of the pond to empty the muddy water.  When it rained there was lovely fresh water again and the pond animals came back to again and lived happily ever after.
It is important for everyone to remember 
DO NOT throw rubbish in water so it keeps it nice and clean for the animals to live!
Afterwards we sang a frog song we know,
called 5 Little Speckled Frogs.

Big Buddies

Thank you big buddies for teaching us how to use PuppetPals.

Monday 12 August 2013

Tangram Maths

Today we were given the challenge of creating a picture with a tangram.  It was really hard, but we had lots of fun.  Here are some of our pictures we made.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Eric Carle - From Head to Toe

We read the story 'From Head to Toe' by Eric Carle. 
We can stand on one foot.  Can you? 
What can you do?

Big Sad Wolf Show

Today Playhouse Theatre came to school and shared with us The Big Sad Wolf.  They were incredible.   Everyone couldn't stop laughing.  What a wonderful show.