Thursday 30 May 2013

Pyjama Day

Today is Pyjama Day at Halcombe School.  We all had to wear our PJ's.  It was very funny and very exciting.  At the start of the day we had a pyjama parade and danced around the courts.  Congratulations Rylie for winning today's spot prize. 

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Comparing Our Life Stories

Last week we sent a survey home asking questions about 'Our Life Stories'.  We compared Annabel's and Lincoln's stories using hula hoops for a venn diagram.  We were surprised to find they had some things in their lives the same.

Friday 24 May 2013

Small Ball Skills

Rylie brought his cricket set in for sharing.  We had P.E. today and are learning to use small ball skills.  After we practised catching our balls, Mr Carter took us outside and hit the balls.  We had to try and catch them and bring them back.  Thank you for letting us use your cricket set Ryllie.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

News Day Tuesday

Every Tuesday we talk about current events.  When our book is full it gets to go home with the person who has brought in the most news sharing.  Congratulations Annabel!  You get to keep our first News Day Tueday book.

Musical Instruments

Pirate Polly is a really fun big book to read.  She sings lots of songs.  We learnt to play her song on instruments.  First, we had to think about the right sounds of the instruments.  We needed to think if they sounded like the sea.  Then we needed to make our music sound like the words singing of the song.  It was difficult, but by the end the Room 1 and were amazing musicians.

Treasure Hunt

We went on a fun treasure hunt.  We needed to follow clues to find the treasure.  They were hidden all over the school.  It was amazing!  We needed to remember to be kind friends and wait for everyone in our class.  This was difficult in all the excitement.  We found our treasure in the fridge.  The treasure was jelly boats.  Yummy!

Pirate Maths

Every Friday we have an interesting person come and teach us maths.  Pirate Christiansen can be a bit loopy.  Our math learning is still the same, we just use different equipment and count treasure.  We learnt to group treasure in different ways:  colours and types of jewels.  We ordered gold coins and bars from 0-20.  We make patterns with the treasure.  Pirate maths is lots of fun.

Tristan's 6th Birthday

Wow I cannot believe you are turning 6 years old.  Thank you for bringing in the delicious cupcakes to share with the class.  Your mum is a wonderful baker.

We are very happy to have Mr Carter in our class who is learning to be a teacher. 

Rabbit Visitors

Lydia has 2 very beauitful rabbits.  They were very soft and fluffy.  Thank you for bringing them in to share with our class Lydia.

Cauliflower and Dip

We grew cauliflower in our vegetable garden.  Mrs Christiansen said we were going to have a treat at the end of the day.  When we found out it was cauliflower, we were not very excited.  The rule in our class is we have to try everything.  It turns out, caulliflower and dip is delicious.  Yum, yum, yum!  We couldn't get enough of it.

Balloon Writing

Up, up and away.  The purple balloons zoomed across the room.  It was very tricky to blow up the balloons, but it was funny when we let them go.

Word Work

We have been learning to make words when we have finished our writing.  Here are some of the words our writing groups have made.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Our New Math Activities

We have some amazing new math boxes with fun new activities. 
Here are some of the activities we do:
We are learning to sequence numbers.
We are learning to group objects together. 
Can you tell how these are grouped?
We are learning to problem solve. 
We needed to be creative with shapes to make pictures. 
The challenge was to make a different picture everyday for a week.
Another way we are learning to problem solve is to look at pictures
and use connecting blocks to make them match. 
Some are really tricky to do. We are needing to persevere
and work together to get better.

Wheels Day

Japanese Drummers

Thank you for coming to our school and showing us your drumming.  It was really loud.  We loved it.  We could feel our bodies shaking each time you hit the drums.