Thursday 28 March 2013

Sunday 24 March 2013

Finger Painting

At first we thought the glue was yucky because it was cold and lumpy, but once we began squishing it all over the paper, it was lots of fun.  Then, we smudged paint all over the paper.  We made designs with our fingers.  If we didn't like our pattern, we ran our hand over the paint and we started again.  We had lots of fun.

Monday 18 March 2013

Annabel's Special Story Book

Thank you Annabel for bringing your special book to school.  We loved listening to Abigail join in reading the story.  You are very lucky to have this special treasure.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Gala Day

Wow!  What an amazing day.  We raised $13,000 for our school.  This is fantastic!  We are very lucky to have a community that supports our school the way you all do.  It is such a success because of all your hard work, time and effort.  Thank you very much!
Rylie looked amazing with his face painted like a tiger.  Growl !

Saturday 16 March 2013

Making Kete with our Buddy Class

Maori use kete for baskets.  We never knew that there are a lot of kete in our classroom.  It was exciting to find all the kete in our room.  We made paper kete.  First, we coloured in our brown paper.  Then we cut out strips to weave.  With the help of our lovely buddy class, we were able to weave our kete and adorn them with feathers and paua shell.  Thank you Room 4 for helping us weave our kete.  We couldn't have done it without you!
Post a comment if you know where kete are found in Room 1.

Tuesday 12 March 2013


We have been working very hard learning to swim.  We hope you enjoyed our Fun Swimming Sports on Friday.  We sure love getting in the pool to cool off in this hot weather.  Please remember to keep packing our togs. 
The pool will stay open as long as the weather is beautiful.

Goal Setting

Room 1 has a 'Goal Train' to help us learn to keep our goals.  Last week we learnt how to sit on the mat quietly.  We are now very good at remembering to sit sensibly.  Now we are learning to line up quietly.  This can be tricky, but we can do it with the help of the Goal Train.

Nature Table

Our nature table is a real highlight for all the children.  Thank you to all the children who have brought in their special treasures to put on the table.  We are also growing kumara, beetroot and swede.  Some vegetables have not grown any leaves yet.  I wonder why the avocado pip and onion have not grown any leaves.

Te Manawa Visit

Manu came to our class and shared lots of Maori instruments and tools.  It was very fascinating.  Olivia and Emily got to wear beautiful hair adornments.  We also got to practise how to hongi.  Thank you Manu.  We learnt a lot.

Emily's Gorgeous Guinea Pigs

Emily brought 2 baby guinea pigs to share.  They are very cute.  We were all very lucky to get a cuddle with them.  They were very tiny because they are only 2 days old.

Our Butterfly Hatched

It was very exciting to see our monarch butterfly hatch out of its chrysalis.  After it dried its wings, Mrs Christiansen carefully placed it high up on a tree.  It stayed there for a long time before it flew away.

Marae Visit

Thank you Taumata O Te Ra Marae.  We enjoyed getting to look at your marae.  It is very beautiful and unique.  We learnt a lot on our visit.  Thank you for the beautiful flax flower taonga.  They are amazing.  You are very clever.

Farewell Max

Max we are going to miss your smiling face everyday.  All the best to you and your family in Cromwell.  We hope you enjoy your new school and make lots of new amazing friends.

Grass Heads

Our grass heads have grown really long hair.  I think some of them may need a hair cut.  Today you get to take your grass heads home.  Remember to keep watering them and watch the grass keep growing. 


We have been learning to make dice patterns with counters.  We need to image dice patterns quickly to help us learn how to image.

Fireworks in a Jar

Body Breaks

We work very hard in our class so we need to have lots of body breaks to help switch our brains on for learning.  Here are some of the fun ways we keep moving: