Thursday 28 February 2013


We planted some vegetables in our garden.  They are going to be delicious.  We cannot wait to eat them.
We saw some eggs in the chicken hutch.  Luckily the Green Team came out.  We got to look really closely at the eggs.  We thought they would be warm, but they weren't.  They must have been sitting there for a long time.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Buddy Class

We had lots of fun swimming with out buddy class. 
Now we are a lot more confident in the water. 
Thank you Room 4 for helping us.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Grass Heads

Riley brought some grass head instructions to share with the class,
so we made our own grass heads. 
We sprinkled grass seeds onto chux cloth. 
We put cotton balls on top.
Tied it all up with a rubber band.
Drew faces with vivids.
Soaked the end in a cup of water. 
We can't wait to see what it looks like when the grass grows.

We are all stars in Room 1

Maths - Statistics

We have been learning a lot about graphs.  We used our lunch boxes to help us understand what a graph looks like.  Then we made a picture graph to show the same information.  We are very clever! 
We are also learning to make tally marks. 
It is much easier to make them with popsicle sticks.

Sound of the Week - Cc

We made cute cat masks:
We read a poem with lots of C's in it.  It had a word we didn't know in it.  It was tricky.  The word was 'cantaloupe'.  We didn't know what a cantaloupe was, so Mrs Christiansen brought one to school and we ate it.  Only 3 of us liked it!

Buddy Class

On Friday, our buddy class came and taught us to play our classroom games. 
We had lots of fun.  Thank you Room 4.

Fun in the Sun

We love going outside to read by ourselves under the tree
OR have stories read to us by the big kids.

Children Soup

We like to have some silly fun in our class.  At the start of the year, we had a few sad faces, so Mrs Christiansen decided to make delicious children soup.  At first we were a little bit worried, then we found it hillarious and couldn't stop laughing.

Nature Table

We have many exciting things to look at on our nature table.  
Thank you Milla for bringing in a dragonfly.  
It is amazing to look at it closely with magnifying glasses.
We also have some cute little caterpillars on swan plants.  
I can't wait to see them turn into chrysalis'.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Look at the Beautiful Room 1 Children

Welcome, children.
I'm happy you are here.
We're all going to have a wonderful year.
We'll read and we'll write.
We'll sing and we'll play.
We'll build and we'll paint,
and learn new things each day.